Christ Community Elder Board

Keith Sykora

Chair (Head Elder)
It has been a pleasure to serve the church over the years as an elder.  What a joy I get to also serve Christ in this way!

Tom Chesley

Vice Chair
Tom loves to serve Christ, he finds that he can't do it alone, needing to seek God's direction with the other called men on this board, who are willingly serving with the joy of the Lord

Kelly Flattum

Elder Administrator
Serving on the board has been a fun almost 2 years.  I have met some amazing men who have shared how God has worked and continues to work in their lives.

Todd Robran


Jeff Streich


Ashley Trunnell


Rick Wulf

Lead Pastor
Rick loves to be on the board with these amazing guys who love Jesus so much. He feels it is a privilege to serve the Lord and the church with them. 

Mike Hadley

Finance Elder
I have been called to be on the elder board. I’m honored for that and don’t take it lightly. My goal is to glorify God in his calling and serve Him to the best of my ability. I love working with the other godly men on the board and pray that I can make an impact on them like they have on me. From past and present elders that have impacted my life and changed it forever.

Jason Teachout


Brad Krause


Mike Wheeler

Jeff Streich