Christ Community Church Commissions

Commissions are opportunities for each of us to find our own personal way to minister.  Each of us has a gift that we can share with others.  We are called to be a part of the body of Christ.  Which part can you be?  Click on the buttons below to find out what opportunities to serve you can find in each commission.

Next Gen

Brian & Aimee Miller
The Next Gen commission oversees the vision and planning for C3 Kids, C3 Students, and C3 Young Adults. If you have a passion to serve the next generation, please reach out to see how you can serve.

Adult Discipleship

Pat Davis
Adult Discipleship oversees and offers opportunities for the growth and discovery of our faith.  Bible Studies, Prayer groups, and small groups are some of the offerings that come from adult discipleship.

Congregational Care

Carroll & Grace Galvin
Congregational Care is just what it sounds like.  The commission oversees everything from gifts for new babies, meals for new moms and the ill, cards to the shut ins to flowers for funerals.  Church wide events are also put on by this group.  This commissions offers so many opportunities to serve in large or small ways.


Jared Dufault
Our Finance team divides up the responsibilities of all of the financial obligations of the church.  


Kevin Buscho
Missions accounts for funds given to missionaries, encourages the missionaries, and plans for visits and events for the missionaries that we support at CCC.


Nate Kuball
Property Commission ensures that everything on and in the church property are cared for.  This includes the building and grounds, large and small maintenance, and even tech for Sunday morning services.


Barry Dufault
Worship Commission oversees all of the things that are happening on a Sunday morning.  This includes all that a person would experience in the sanctuary from the time they walk through the door on Sunday until they walk back out.  Ushering, Music and Worship, Sound Quality, and Video


The Outreach commission coordinates with other commissions to partner in reaching our community for Jesus. If you have a desire to reach and serve our community, please contact us to find out more!